Assessor or Appraiser (Valuer)

Assessors, appraisers or valuers assess the value of property, machinery, furniture, art, jewellery, motor vehicles and other items for such purposes as sale, purchase or insurance. 

These professionals may do some or all of the following, depending on the type of items they are to assess, appraise or value. They list and describe items to be valued and determine what type of valuation is required, for example, whether it is for resale or insurance purposes. Their clients explain the purpose of the valuation and examine items to check their condition and quality.

They are likely to question clients about the items to obtain more information, such as age and condition, and ask to study documents such as repair reports and previous valuations. They might carry out further research to determine the correct value of items and then calculate their value. Finally they will write reports on items and their value and provide up-to-date market advice about the value of the product/s.

They may supply parties concerned with information on the sale or expropriation of property, establish the value of the security offered as collateral for a loan or mortgage, assess the value of company assets and shares, evaluate amounts of cover, as well as claims for insurance.

Assessors are also appointed by short-term insurance companies to assess damages claimed by clients professionally. In the case of damage to property by natural disaster or a malicious act, assessors visit the actual sites of the properties to make assessments. Damaged motor vehicles are usually assessed in panel beaters’ workshops.

Insurance assessors determine the extent of the damage and estimate the cost of parts and labour to repair or replace the damaged property or motor vehicle. In the case of a motor vehicle, they evaluate the practicality of repair as opposed to payment of the market value of the vehicle before the accident. They liaise with in-house claims personnel to ascertain the extent of the client’s cover and then negotiate settlement figures, either with suppliers or with the clients.

These professionals use the most readily available comparable facts. The Internet has had a huge impact on their work, particularly those working with plant and machinery, and general chattels. It allows them to research values more quickly and efficiently. This combined with digital camera technology makes it easier for less trained assessors, as they can take photos on-site and then research the value of items more easily later.

These people may work in offices, auction rooms, art galleries or museums, jewellery shops and antique shops. They can spend a lot of time travelling locally to visit clients in their homes, businesses and factories. They may also travel around the country and even overseas to carry out valuations or conduct research.

Appraisers, assessors and valuers need to be skilled in evaluating items, eliciting and recording information and making calculations. They have to know about the history and details of the items they are valuing, such as machinery, general chattels, jewellery, art, antiques and furniture. They must also be up to date with styles and trends, and know the current market values of items or how to find out market values.

The number of people employed as assessors, appraisers and valuers is very small and most specialise in an area of valuation work such as plant and machinery, antiques, general chattels or jewellery appraising. The growing divorce rate has resulted in an increase in demand for general chattel valuations as people need to have the contents of their homes valued for matrimonial division.

They usually works indoors, in a variety of locations and conditions and they may handle valuable or breakable items. Those who work full-time usually work regular office hours, but may visit clients in the evenings and on weekends. Many combine this work with another job such as retailing or auctioneering, and their hours tend to be irregular.

They often work independently, although they sometimes work in small teams. They interact with a range of clients who want chattels valued, and may interact with valuers working in other specialisations, real estate agents, retailers, insurance representatives and other professionals such as lawyers.

Personal Requirements

  • enquiring mind
  • careful and observant
  • accurate and an eye for detail
  • good research and interviewing skills 
  • good communication and computer skills
  • good time management skills
  • ability to work well under pressure
  • good hearing and normal colour vision
  • relatively fit and healthy - there can be a lot of walking involved


  • short-term insurance companies and brokers
  • financial institutions - banks, building societies, lease hire companies
  • government administrations and local authorities
  • jewellers
  • estate agents
  • antique dealers
  • self employment, as a consultant

Getting Started

Useful experience includes:

  • working as an auction room attendant
  • insurance work
  • work selling or servicing the items that may need to be valued
  • make an appointment to speak to an assessor, appraiser or valuer about this work


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