A musician performs for the purpose of entertaining. Some musicians work are also composers who write music for other musicians or for the television, radio, film, theatre, advertisements, computer games and other inductries where music is needed.
The nature of musicians’ work can vary considerably, depending on the field of specialisation:
Composers: write or improvise musical compositions, thus translating their own creations of melody and harmony into musical signs and symbols for others
Music performers: study and rehearse music scores carefully until they can be played perfectly before appearing in public as soloists, accompanists or members of orchestras. Performers might also be required to tune instruments to the proper pitch and may play from memory or from sheet music.
Conductors: study the selected music and prepare to conduct a band or orchestra.
Music teachers: give lessons either at a training institution such as a school or privately.
Musicians may specialise in the type of music played, such as classical or popular music. They may also specialise in the type of instrument or instruments played. Some musicians perform solo while others play in a group or orchestra. Some musicians specialise in teaching.
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