Swimming pool consultants assist homeowners with the upkeep and maintenance of their swimming pools. Many swimming pool consultants may operate from a shop that sells pool accessories such as chemicals, nets, brushes, etc. Swimming pool superintendents usually work at a municipal swimming pool and is responsible for all the activities that take place at a swimming pool as well as for the maintenance of the swimming pool, buildings and immediate premises. Swimming pool superintendents and their personnel are also responsible for the safety of the users of the swimming pool. Swimming pool superintendents may also work at hotels that have pools or at water parks.
Swimming pool consultants normally have a fleet of vehicles on the road that move from house to house maintaining the pools of their clients. They perfom fubctions such as checking and maintaining the water PH balance, maintaining and/or replacing of filtration systems and piping, and general upkeep of the clients pool. Some swimming pool consultants will specialise in intalling heating systems for pools so that cleints can swim all year round. Swimming pool consultants need to keep up to date with latest energy saving products theymay need to look at installing solar powerd filtration systems for clients who wish to save energy.
Swiming pool consultants most often are also swimming pool shop owners. They stock and sell swimming pool accessories such as filtration systems, filtration sand, pool cleaning equipment, chemicals, pool nets and related products.
Swimming pool superintendents work at public pools or even at pools at hotels and water parks. They perform a variety of different tasks. They supervise workers, control the quality of the water of the swimming pool and do the necessary dosing to keep the chemical balance of the pool correct. They do regular inspections to ensure that the equipment functions correctly and that hygienic standards are maintained.
Swimming pool superintendents further have to ensure the safety of the public and have to take care of the marketing and maintenance of the swimming pool. They also control the supplies that are used in and around the swimming pool, and control the fees collected by the cashier. Swimming pool superintendents often have to plan and organise holiday programs for the public.
At some swimming pools, swimming pool superintendents give swimming and life saving training at determined times. Swimming pool superintendents have to handle all complaints of the public, but also have to ensure that the public does not misbehave at the swimming pool or disregard safety measures. They also have to have advanced knowledge and experience of first aid, as they have to act as first-aid officers if necessary.
The swimming pool superintendents should also have sound knowledge of the Occupational Health and Safety Act, 1993.
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